The Great Mom Swap on DVD! This delightful 1995 family comedy, based on the beloved book by Betsy Haynes, is a perfect addition to any family movie night. The story follows two teenage girls from completely different backgrounds—aspiring socialite Terri Venessi and down-to-earth tomboy Sophie Shepard—who trade moms for a week as part of a school project. Their hilarious journey of self-discovery is full of heart, laughs, and moments that reveal the true meaning of family and friendship.
Starring the talents of Mary Kate Schellhardt, Shelley Fabares, and Hillary Tuck, Pass the Great Mom Swap brings humor and warmth as the girls, each struggling with their own insecurities, learn valuable lessons in empathy and self-acceptance. Directed by Jenö Hodi, this 1990s classic is a throwback to an era of wholesome family films, making it perfect for viewers of all ages.
Product Features
- Worldwide Compatibility: Playable on all region-compatible DVD players, this DVD is perfect for viewers anywhere in the world. Satisfaction is guaranteed for all customers.
- Compact & Protective Packaging: To ensure a smooth, hassle-free experience, Pass the Great Mom Swap is shipped in a durable Tyvek sleeve rather than a plastic case. This packaging option offers reliable protection from scratches and damage during transit, preserving your DVD in pristine condition.
- Eco-Friendly, No Plastic Case: In our commitment to reduce plastic waste, this DVD does not come with an outer plastic case. Instead, the Tyvek sleeve provides a lightweight, resilient shield for scratch-resistant shipping.
Rediscover the joy of a classic ‘90s family film with Pass the Great Mom Swap on DVD. Whether you’re revisiting a favorite or watching for the first time, this movie promises laughs, life lessons, and plenty of feel-good moments. Available now at!
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