The Borgia Stick (1967) is a gripping crime thriller that unravels an intricate plot of deception and danger. This classic television movie follows Tom and Eve Harrison, an affluent New York couple who seem to have the perfect life. Beneath the surface, however, they are entangled in a dangerous underworld network, orchestrated by a mysterious organization with a web of power and influence. As they try to escape the sinister forces controlling their lives, the suspense mounts, and viewers are drawn into a chilling tale of crime, betrayal, and survival. This compelling story, starring Don Murray and Inger Stevens, remains a favorite among fans of classic crime cinema.
Product Features:
- Worldwide Compatibility: This DVD is designed for universal play, making it compatible with all DVD players, so you can enjoy the suspenseful tale anywhere in the world with guaranteed satisfaction.
- Durable, Scratch-Resistant Shipping: To protect the DVD during transit, it is shipped in a reliable Tyvek sleeve. This special sleeve offers scratch-resistant properties, ensuring your DVD arrives in pristine condition.
- No Plastic Case: This item is packaged without an outer plastic case, an eco-friendly choice that reduces plastic waste while maintaining secure delivery.
Enjoy The Borgia Stick with its seamless compatibility across all DVD players and a durable protective sleeve that keeps your purchase secure. Whether you’re adding to your classic collection or discovering this gem for the first time, The Borgia Stick is a timeless thriller worth revisiting.
Add this intriguing title to your collection at and experience the chilling atmosphere of a classic crime thriller that still captivates audiences today.
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