Experience the compelling drama of In Name Only (1969), a poignant film that explores the complexities of love, marriage, and personal conflict. The story centers on a married woman who finds herself torn between her loyalty to her husband and her growing feelings for another man. As she navigates this emotional dilemma, In Name Only dives deep into themes of moral integrity, desire, and the human heart. With exceptional performances and a thought-provoking narrative, this film remains a classic for those who appreciate timeless, emotional dramas.
Product Features:
- This DVD does not come with an outer plastic case, providing a more eco-friendly option.
- The item arrives securely packaged in a protective Tyvek sleeve, ensuring safe, scratch-resistant shipping.
- Fully playable worldwide, this DVD is region-free and compatible with all DVD players.
- Your satisfaction is guaranteed – this DVD is fully playable or your money back!
Perfect for lovers of classic cinema, In Name Only is a must-have for your collection.
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