Martin and Lewis (2002) is a captivating biographical film that brings to life the legendary comedy duo, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. Starring Sean Hayes as Jerry Lewis and Jeremy Northam as Dean Martin, the movie offers a behind-the-scenes look at the iconic partnership that captivated audiences for years. The film explores the complex relationship between the two stars, from their rise to fame to their eventual estrangement. With heartfelt performances and a fascinating portrayal of their personal and professional lives, Martin and Lewis is a must-watch for fans of classic comedy and those interested in Hollywood history.
This rare DVD edition of Martin and Lewis is region-free, ensuring it will play on any DVD player worldwide, making it accessible to fans everywhere. The DVD arrives in a protective Tyvek sleeve, without an outer plastic case, providing safe, scratch-resistant shipping. The absence of a plastic case helps reduce waste while ensuring efficient shipping.
The DVD is fully playable in all DVD players, and we offer a satisfaction guarantee with every purchase. Add this film to your collection and enjoy the story of two of comedy’s greatest icons.
- Region-free, compatible with all DVD players worldwide
- Shipped in a protective Tyvek sleeve, no plastic case
- Safe, scratch-resistant shipping
- Fully playable and satisfaction guaranteed
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