Hit List (1989) is a gripping action thriller that follows a retired hitman seeking vengeance after his family is targeted by a ruthless criminal syndicate. Starring the legendary Larry Poindexter and directed by William H. Hull, this film takes you on a fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat ride as the protagonist embarks on a relentless quest for justice. With its intense action sequences and high-stakes drama, Hit List is a must-see for fans of 80s action films.
This DVD edition of Hit List comes with the following features:
- The item does not come with an outer plastic case but is packaged in a protective Tyvek sleeve for added security during shipping.
- It is fully compatible with all DVD players worldwide, making it a great addition to any collection.
- Without a plastic case, the DVD is shipped securely, ensuring it arrives in pristine condition and is protected from scratches.
- Satisfaction is guaranteed, and you can be confident that the item will be playable in all DVD players.
Add this action-packed classic to your collection today!
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