As Summers Die (1986) is a compelling drama based on the novel by Elizabeth Fackler, featuring a powerful story of love, loss, and redemption set in the rural South. The film stars the legendary Katherine Hepburn in one of her most heartfelt performances, alongside Keith Carradine and Harris Yulin. The story revolves around a young man returning to his family’s farm, only to find the past, and his strained relationships, waiting to haunt him. This poignant film is a captivating exploration of family bonds, generational conflict, and the emotional turmoil of reconciling with the past.
- The DVD is playable worldwide in all regions.
- The item does not come with an outer plastic case, ensuring a more eco-friendly and compact design.
- The movie arrives in a protective Tyvek sleeve, keeping it secure during shipping and free from scratches.
- Satisfaction is guaranteed — enjoy the film with confidence that it will work in all DVD players.
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