When the Circus Came to Town (1981) is a heartwarming made-for-TV drama about the magic and wonder a circus brings to a small town. The story follows the lives of a family and community as they are captivated by the arrival of the circus, which sparks both excitement and conflict. Featuring a strong ensemble cast, including the talented David Nelson, this family-friendly film beautifully captures themes of dreams, change, and the power of community. With its nostalgic charm, When the Circus Came to Town is a delightful watch for viewers of all ages.
This DVD edition of When the Circus Came to Town offers the following features:
- The item does not come with an outer plastic case but is securely packaged in a protective Tyvek sleeve to ensure safe delivery.
- It is fully compatible and playable worldwide, ensuring it works in all DVD players.
- Without a plastic case, the DVD is shipped in a secure sleeve, protecting it from scratches and damage during shipping.
- Satisfaction is guaranteed, and you can be confident the item will be fully playable in all DVD players.
Bring the magic of the circus home and enjoy this heartwarming classic with your family today!
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