The Trygon Factor (1966) is an exciting British crime thriller that blends elements of suspense, mystery, and espionage. Directed by Cyril Frankel, the film stars a talented cast including Michael Goodliffe and Jacqueline Pierce in a story that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The plot revolves around an investigator, played by Goodliffe, who delves into a web of intrigue after a deadly crime syndicate, known as “The Trygon,” begins to wreak havoc in the city. As the tension builds and the investigation uncovers more chilling secrets, the stakes grow higher and more dangerous. With its gripping storyline, sharp dialogue, and a mix of action and suspense, The Trygon Factor offers a perfect glimpse into the world of 1960s British thrillers. Fans of classic crime dramas will find this film a thrilling addition to their collection.
- This DVD does not come with an outer plastic case and is playable worldwide.
- Arrives in a protective Tyvek sleeve to ensure safe, scratch-resistant shipping.
- The item is compatible with all DVD players and satisfaction is guaranteed.
Perfect for collectors of vintage crime thrillers, The Trygon Factor is a must-have for fans of 1960s suspense cinema!
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