The Love She Sought (A Green Journey) (1990) is a poignant drama that follows a woman’s journey of self-discovery and emotional healing. Starring Shirley MacLaine, the film tells the story of a woman who embarks on an unexpected path of love and life-changing experiences. With a heartfelt storyline and strong performances, this film is a touching exploration of second chances and personal growth.
This DVD is region-free, ensuring it works with DVD players worldwide. The item arrives without an outer plastic case, but is securely packaged in a protective Tyvek sleeve for scratch-resistant and safe delivery. Fully compatible with all DVD players, and satisfaction is guaranteed with every purchase.
- Region-free, playable worldwide
- Delivered in a protective Tyvek sleeve (no plastic case)
- Scratch-free shipping
- Fully compatible with all DVD players
- Satisfaction guaranteed
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