The Little Foxes (1956) is a powerful Southern Gothic drama based on Lillian Hellman’s acclaimed play, directed by George schaefer and starring Bette Davis in one of her most iconic roles. Set in the deep South in the early 20th century, the film centers on Regina Hubbard (Davis), a ruthless, manipulative woman who will stop at nothing to secure her wealth and power. Alongside her scheming brothers, she hatches a plan to exploit a local businessman, even if it means betraying her own family. With its sharp dialogue, compelling performances, and themes of greed and moral corruption, The Little Foxes remains a classic portrayal of human ambition at its most dangerous. Bette Davis’s chilling performance as the ambitious and morally bankrupt Regina is a highlight of this gripping drama.
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- Worldwide Compatibility: Playable in all DVD players worldwide, making it perfect for collectors anywhere.
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Add The Little Foxes (1956) to your collection today and experience one of Bette Davis’s finest performances in this gripping, unforgettable film. Perfect for fans of classic cinema and intense, character-driven dramas.
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