Seven in Darkness (1969) is a gripping TV movie that delves into the lives of seven individuals who are suddenly blinded in a horrific accident. Stranded in a remote mansion and forced to rely on each other, they must navigate not only their newfound vulnerability but also a terrifying mystery that threatens their very survival. This eerie and suspenseful film combines psychological tension with elements of drama and mystery, making it a must-watch for fans of vintage thrillers.
This DVD edition of Seven in Darkness offers an excellent way to experience this classic made-for-TV film. The item arrives in a protective Tyvek sleeve to ensure safe, scratch-resistant shipping. It does not come with an outer plastic case, but rest assured, it is playable worldwide in all DVD players, providing you with reliable viewing enjoyment. Satisfaction is guaranteed—whether you’re a collector of rare TV movies or someone eager to explore a unique piece of TV history, Seven in Darkness is sure to captivate and thrill.
- Item does not come with an outer plastic case.
- Playable worldwide in all DVD players.
- Arrives in a protective Tyvek sleeve for safe, scratch-resistant shipping.
- Satisfaction guaranteed.
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