Primary Motive (1992) is a thrilling drama about a detective named Mike Strickland, played by Tom Berenger. Mike is investigating the mysterious death of a woman, which at first seems like a simple case. However, as he digs deeper, he begins to uncover dark secrets and hidden motives that complicate the case.
The movie focuses on Mike’s investigation into the woman’s life, and he starts to suspect that her death may be linked to powerful people. As he gets closer to the truth, Mike faces danger and discovers that things are not always as they seem.
Primary Motive is a suspenseful story filled with twists and turns. It explores themes of betrayal, corruption, and justice. The film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as the detective works to uncover the truth behind the woman’s death. It’s a gripping tale about the pursuit of justice and the lengths people will go to protect their secrets.
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