Dive into a nostalgic journey with “Middle Age Crazy” (1980), a heartfelt comedy that perfectly encapsulates the complexities and humor of middle age. Directed by John Trent, this film stars Bruce Dern as Bobby Lee, a man grappling with the onset of a midlife crisis. With a stellar cast that includes Ann-Margret and Deborah Wakeham, “Middle Age Crazy” delivers a blend of comedy and drama, making it a must-watch for fans of classic cinema.
Bobby Lee, an everyday man in his mid-40s, begins to question his life choices and embarks on a journey of self-discovery. As he navigates through the trials and tribulations of middle age, Bobby’s actions lead to humorous and poignant moments that resonate with audiences. The film explores themes of self-worth, identity, and the often tumultuous path to personal fulfillment.
- Worldwide Playability: This DVD is designed to be playable in all regions, ensuring that you can enjoy “Middle Age Crazy” no matter where you are in the world. This universal compatibility guarantees a hassle-free viewing experience.
- Protective Tyvek Sleeve: The DVD comes in a durable Tyvek sleeve to provide maximum protection. This material is known for its strength and scratch resistance, ensuring that your disc remains in pristine condition during shipping and storage.
- Scratch-Resistant Shipping: Unlike traditional DVDs that come in bulky plastic cases, this item is shipped without an outer plastic case. This not only reduces the environmental impact but also enhances the safety of the disc during transit. The protective Tyvek sleeve ensures that the DVD remains scratch-free, delivering a superior viewing experience upon arrival.
- Satisfaction Guaranteed: At, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We stand behind the quality of our products and guarantee that this DVD will be playable on all DVD players. Our dedicated customer service team is here to assist you if you encounter any issues.
Why Choose is your go-to destination for classic and hard-to-find DVDs. We pride ourselves on offering a wide selection of titles that cater to movie enthusiasts and collectors alike. With our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, you can shop confidently knowing you’re getting the best products and service.
Experience the charm and wit of “Middle Age Crazy” (1980) and add this timeless gem to your collection today. Order now and enjoy a seamless and enjoyable viewing experience, backed by our satisfaction guarantee.
Juli singh –
Middle Age Crazy is a 1980 comedy-drama about a man’s midlife crisis. Bruce Dern plays Bobby, who starts making wild decisions to feel young again, leaving his wife, Sue Ann (Ann-Margret), puzzled. The movie is entertaining but a bit dated, with solid performances. It’s a decent watch if you’re into stories about midlife challenges.