Meet Me at Christmas is a heartwarming holiday romance that tells the story of Joan, a woman who is busy planning her daughter’s wedding in her picturesque hometown. Everything seems to be going smoothly until Joan meets Beau, the groom’s uncle, who has been enlisted to help with the wedding details. Beau is charming but distant, and he initially clashes with Joan over various wedding plans. However, as they work together to bring her daughter’s dream wedding to life, they discover that there is more to each other than meets the eye.
Joan is a woman who has been through heartache in the past, and she’s determined to make her daughter’s wedding perfect, especially as the event is a celebration of love and new beginnings. Beau, on the other hand, is a man who carries his own emotional scars and has been hesitant to open his heart again after a difficult personal loss. Despite their differences, they begin to spend more time together, and as they get to know one another, they begin to share their own stories, finding solace in each other’s company.
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