Max Rose (2013) is a poignant drama starring the legendary Jerry Lewis in one of his final film roles. The story follows Max, an aging jazz pianist who, after the death of his wife, embarks on a deeply emotional journey of self-discovery. As Max struggles with grief and the revelations of his late wife’s past, the film delves into themes of love, loss, and the complexity of relationships. Jerry Lewis delivers a heartfelt performance that showcases his versatility as an actor, proving he’s much more than just a comedic icon.
This rare DVD edition of Max Rose is region-free, meaning it will play in any DVD player worldwide, making it accessible to fans around the globe. It arrives in a protective Tyvek sleeve, without a plastic case, ensuring that it remains safe and scratch-free during shipping. While the DVD does not come with a traditional plastic case, this eco-friendly packaging choice helps reduce waste and shipping costs.
Rest assured, the DVD is fully playable in all DVD players, and we offer a satisfaction guarantee with every purchase. Max Rose is a must-see for fans of Jerry Lewis and those who appreciate deeply emotional, character-driven stories. Add this memorable film to your collection today!
- Region-free, compatible with all DVD players worldwide
- Shipped in a protective Tyvek sleeve, no plastic case
- Safe, scratch-resistant shipping
- Guaranteed satisfaction with every purchase
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