Step back in time with the enchanting tale of Pass the Little Lord Fauntleroy (1980), a delightful adaptation of Frances Hodgson Burnett’s beloved children’s novel. This heartwarming story follows the journey of young Cedric Errol, an American boy who discovers he is the heir to a British title and estate. As he navigates the challenges of his newfound status, Cedric brings warmth and kindness to the lives of those around him, reminding us all of the importance of compassion and family.
Directed by the talented Alan Grint, Pass the Little Lord Fauntleroy features a charming cast, including the talented actor Ricky Schroder as Cedric, who captures the innocence and charm of the character beautifully. The film is a delightful combination of adventure, friendship, and the timeless values of love and generosity, making it a perfect choice for family viewing. It’s a story that has resonated with audiences for generations, and this DVD allows you to relive the magic whenever you wish.
- Worldwide Compatibility: This DVD is playable in all regions, ensuring that you can enjoy this classic film no matter where you are.
- Protective Packaging: Your DVD arrives in a protective Tyvek sleeve, designed to keep your disc safe during shipping. This protective sleeve ensures a scratch-resistant experience and protects the disc from damage.
- No Outer Plastic Case: Please note that the item does not come with an outer plastic case. This thoughtful choice ensures safe and secure shipping while remaining environmentally friendly.
- Satisfaction Guaranteed: We stand behind our products, and your satisfaction is guaranteed. Enjoy Pass the Little Lord Fauntleroy with confidence, knowing it will play perfectly in all standard DVD players.
Rediscover the joy and wonder of childhood with this timeless classic. Pass the Little Lord Fauntleroy is not just a film; it’s an experience that will warm your heart and bring smiles to your family. Perfect for cozy movie nights or as a thoughtful gift, this DVD is a treasure for every collection. Don’t miss the chance to share this timeless story with the ones you love!
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