Kiss at Pine Lake is a heartwarming romantic drama that tells the story of Sarah, a woman seeking refuge at a charming lakeside retreat, and Jack, a local man haunted by his past. Their unexpected connection sparks a journey of love, healing, and self-discovery as they face their personal struggles. Set against the picturesque backdrop of Pine Lake, this film is a beautiful reminder of the power of second chances and the transformative nature of love.
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- Worldwide Playable: This DVD is compatible with all region DVD players worldwide, so you can enjoy it no matter where you are.
- Protective Tyvek Sleeve: Your DVD will arrive safely packaged in a protective Tyvek sleeve, designed to keep it safe from scratches and damage during shipping.
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Enjoy the magic of Kiss at Pine Lake and let this heartfelt story of love and healing warm your heart. Add it to your collection today and experience the beauty of this unforgettable romance.
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