Discover the compelling drama of In Name Only (1969), a film that explores the complexities of love, marriage, and betrayal. This emotional tale follows a married woman caught in a web of conflicting feelings and moral dilemmas as she navigates her affection for another man. Featuring gripping performances and a thought-provoking narrative, In Name Only is an unforgettable journey into the human heart. Perfect for fans of classic drama, this film remains a testament to the struggles of love and personal integrity.
Product Features:
- The item does not come with an outer plastic case but is playable worldwide.
- Arrives in a protective Tyvek sleeve, ensuring safe, scratch-resistant shipping.
- Compatible with all DVD players, no region restrictions.
- Satisfaction guaranteed—fully playable or your money back.
Perfect for those who appreciate poignant drama and classic cinema, In Name Only delivers a powerful experience in the comfort of your own home.
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