Fear on Trial (1975) is a thought-provoking TV movie that delves into the dangers of paranoia and the consequences of public accusations. Based on real events, this gripping drama tells the story of a television writer, played by Art Carney, who faces the devastating effects of being wrongly accused of communist ties during the McCarthy era. As he struggles to clear his name, the film paints a poignant picture of the fear and hysteria that gripped America in the 1950s. Fear on Trial explores themes of integrity, justice, and the high cost of personal sacrifice, making it a timeless reflection on the dangers of unchecked power.
This captivating film is an essential piece of television history, perfect for collectors of 1970s dramas and those with an interest in McCarthyism.
- The item does not come with an outer plastic case, offering a more sustainable and compact option for your collection.
- It arrives in a protective Tyvek sleeve, ensuring your DVD stays safe and secure during transit.
- Playable worldwide, this DVD is compatible with all DVD players, regardless of region.
- Satisfaction guaranteed — we stand behind the quality and condition of every product.
Don’t miss your chance to own Fear on Trial, a film that examines the power of fear and the lasting impact of public trials. Add it to your collection.
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