Disenchanted is the highly anticipated sequel to the beloved film Enchanted. This enchanting adventure continues the story of Giselle, Robert, and their daughter, Morgan, as they adjust to life in the real world while navigating new magical challenges. When a new spell goes wrong, it’s up to Giselle and her family to restore balance before the magic overwhelms them. Packed with fun, humor, and heart, Disenchanted is the perfect movie for fans of whimsical tales and magical adventures.
This DVD does not come with an outer plastic case but is safely packaged in a protective Tyvek sleeve to ensure its arrival in perfect condition. The DVD is region-free and will play on all DVD players worldwide, allowing you to enjoy the magic wherever you are. We take care to ship without a plastic case to ensure the movie arrives scratch-free and in excellent condition.
- Playable Worldwide: Compatible with all DVD players globally.
- Tyvek Sleeve Protection: Arrives in a protective Tyvek sleeve for scratch-resistant shipping.
- No Plastic Case: For safe, environmentally-conscious shipping.
- Satisfaction Guaranteed: Enjoy the magic of Disenchanted or your money back!
Order Disenchanted today and continue the magical journey with Giselle and her family!
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