Bring home the captivating 1985 film A Bunny’s Tale with this exclusive DVD, now available on Based on the renowned article by Gloria Steinem, this dramatic movie dives into the real-life experiences of Steinem herself, who went undercover as a Playboy Bunny to reveal the realities of working in one of the world’s most famous nightclubs. Starring the talented Kirstie Alley, A Bunny’s Tale brings forward both humor and social insight, reflecting on the issues faced by women in the workplace, particularly in the ’60s, when societal norms were beginning to shift. It’s a thought-provoking journey for anyone interested in powerful, true-life stories.
This DVD allows you to experience A Bunny’s Tale as it was originally meant to be seen, and its worldwide compatibility ensures it’s playable on any DVD player, no matter where you are. Whether you’re a fan of the film, a collector of classic dramas, or simply intrigued by Steinem’s daring exposé, this DVD is a fantastic addition to any collection.
- No Outer Plastic Case: To reduce excess packaging, this DVD comes without a traditional plastic case. However, rest assured it will still be shipped with great care.
- Protected in a Tyvek Sleeve: Each DVD is placed in a durable Tyvek sleeve, designed to provide enhanced protection during shipping. This scratch-resistant, moisture-repelling material keeps your DVD safe in transit and ready for you to enjoy as soon as it arrives.
- Playable Worldwide: No need to worry about regional restrictions. This DVD is formatted to be compatible with any DVD player globally, giving you access to A Bunny’s Tale no matter your location.
- Satisfaction Guaranteed: We’re committed to ensuring your experience with is exceptional. Your satisfaction is guaranteed with each purchase.
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